The MOT Juice Quality Checking system provides you all the tools to efficiently conduct monthly QC checks on all your MOT testers. With a built-in easy to understand overview panel, you can view all your MOT tester QC records (past and present).
At the touch of a button, you’ll be able to see who is and who is not up to date with their monthly QC checks. This enables you, as the business owner, to easily control and monitor your internal performance.
The MOT Juice QC system addresses all the needs of a VTS Centre, PLUS the needs of a Vehicle Examiner, including:
Monthly quality control check reporting;
Checks are driven/informed by
TQI data, producing more bespoke and thorough checks;
A variety of qc methods built in;
Allows testers to ‘acknowledge’ each of their QC checks;
Additional checks depending on testing volumes;
Printer friendly reporting.
The MOT Juice system comes with 3 methods of QC checking built in:
Observed/Routine Checks
These checks allow you to use a smartphone or tablet and complete a checklist in real-time, whilst watching a tester conduct an MOT Test. The system will automatically score and advise on any areas missed by the tester, allowing you to record any notes and action points, to be addressed for the next QC check.
Re-Tested Checks
A highly recommended method of QC checking (and one employed by Vehicle Examiners) are our re-tested checks. Where a tester has already conducted an MOT Test and the vehicle is still on site, the QC checker re-tests the vehicle and compares the results of the two tests.
Recorded Checks
If you use your own documents and processes internally, you can simply record this data into your MOT Juice account, as well as upload copies of any documents.
Void Checks
Voiding a QC check is not a ‘method’ for QC checking, but this does allow you the ability to specify reasons why a QC check could not be completed on an individual tester in a given month, including:
– Holiday (including maternity/paternity leave);
– Long-term Sick leave;
– Tester reviewed TQI instead;
– No MOT tests completed;
– Furlough.